Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Hey! So Glad You're Here.
What is Love on Hamilton all about?
Love on Hamilton focuses on loving the people of Hamilton in every way we can. We want to see the lost and the broken come to know Jesus and be healed in His presence. There's not one person God's love cannot reach; anyone can be redeemed and forgiven by His grace. Our goal is simply to love, and believe that through our love, they will encounter God.
When and Where do we meet?
Every Tuesday Night
7:00pm - 9:00pm @ 75 John St. N. - Lot #2 (one of the big parking lots)
We now have a SECOND day we hit the streets together as a team.
We now ALSO meet every Wednesday Night from 7:00pm - 9:00pm
@ 127 Birch Ave Parking
What exactly do we do?
Once we all meet at the parking lot at 7pm, we usually start loading up multiple Carts full of donations we have (ie: food, drinks, socks, clothes ect..) We then all pray together as a group, and after that, we usually split up into smaller groups of around 4-5 per cart, We then walk the streets going wherever the Holy Spirit leads with our group handing out donations to the homeless (or anyone) & praying for people / sharing the love of Jesus! - We all try to be back at the parking lot by 9pm so we can each share testimonies from each group of what God did that night and then we all pray as a group and head home! :) - Every week is different as we are all open to wherever and however the Lord leads us.
How do I get in contact?
Join our Love on Hamilton Online Community at: TheKingdomWay.net
You can also Email us at: Hello@LoveonTheWorld.com
Or Call & Text us at: +1 (365) 536-2662
Anything else I can check out?
If you live in a different city or country even,
be sure to check out: LOVE ON THE WORLD. < For more info.

Do everything in love. - 1 Corinthians 16:14
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